A Bible tour entirely about the Bible!

Visit the famous British Library to see many original translations and important copies of the Bible.

Unfortunately this tour is not currently available. We hope to be able to present this tour again soon, but in the meantime please consider our British Museum Grand Tour instead: www.bible-tours.co.uk/grand-tour

This is a short one hour tour around the 'Tresaures Gallery' of the British Library. It is a very different experience to a Museum tour, as this is a functioning Library rather than Museum.

We will look at early manuscripts, scrolls and Bible teaching aids. Some of the famous original Bibles on display include the Siniaticus, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Lindisfarne Gospels, and Gutenberg Bibles.

We also consider the use of various key texts that were even used to create the New World Translation. For example, we can see early Hebrew codex with vowel points.

A key part of this tour is not just viewing the Bibles, but learning about the incredible courage and faith behind the men who preserved God's word, such as William Tyndale.

Although not part of our 'Bible Tour', also on display in this room are: the Beatles original lyrics, Beethoven, Elgar, Bach, Jane Austen original works, Shakespeare, Magna Carta, and so much more!

We hope to see you soon on this special scholarly tour.

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